Product Packaging – Your Best Salesman!

Product Packaging – Your Best Salesman!

Product Packaging – Your Best Salesman! Live Chat “Competition is a great thing and critically important in any industry. I respect the companies that build their brand through innovation/great product, packaging, sharp marketing and clever ideas” John Robinson....
Supplier Development in a Post-Covid Era

Supplier Development in a Post-Covid Era

Supplier Development in a Post-Covid Era Live Chat I have used a greater part of my time last week in discussing world class manufacturing (WCM) with some trainees. Most of the lessons learned can actually be applied to the service industry. One definition pitches WCM...
Quality Circles III

Quality Circles III

The Quality Circles (Part 3) This will be the last in the series for Quality circles. This article would be looking at the core functions of the various layers in the structure of Quality Circles. The importanceof kaizen projects cannot be underestimated and Quality...
World Food Safety Day

World Food Safety Day

World Food Safety Day Live Chat The World Food Safety Day (WFSD) is an annual celebration of food safety jointly led by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the World Health Organisation (WHO). Today, 7th June marks the World Food Safety Day for the year...
Qualities Circles Part II

Qualities Circles Part II

The Quality Circles (Part 2) “Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives” William A Foster. The purpose of establishing a...